How long does it take to change ISP these days? Two weeks - that how long I have been offline trying to get disconnected from one and hooked up to another. Most of the down time was Telstra stuffing about. I have gone from broadband to superfast broadband as these days people design webpages with huge graphics and the waiting for the site to be useful is just too long. Not as painful as dial-up mind you! My mother still dial-up and I can make a cup of tea and sandwich in the time it takes for to load. I find that once you have fast internet, you cannot go back - like driving a car with manual window winders after electronic windows. Sadly for my mother broadband isn't available in her area.
However there is a silver lining to being offline - I have managed to do quite a bit of knitting. I have finished my sisters' socks - all three pairs ready to go on their ski trip in October. I like this pair the most - the mock cables really stand out against the stripes and I really like the colour. They also fit my feet like a glove.
And in case you thought I wasn't busy enough, I started my crochet course! The class goes for 4 weeks at 1.5 hours each Saturday. Only had 1 class so far - we learnt how to cast on a chain, get the tensioning right and do some double crochet. Unfortunately I don't think I am doing it quite right